2023년 8월

Trust Guard Extension Framework for Enhanced Security Features in Lightweight Embedded Environments

This dissertation introduces the Trust Guard Extension (TGX), a software and hardware integration framework to support trusted execution environment (TEE) features in lightweight embedded environments. Unlike existing TEE technologies that rely on a limited set of layers within a fixed hardware architecture, TGX delegates security functions to hardware components while isolating layered tasks to a software implementation. The security functions performed by hardware components include cryptographic operations for memory protection and the capability to monitor security between layered software, all achieved without privilege-level intervention. Consequently, TGX can deliver cost-efficient protection for internal peripherals and advanced security features similar to those provided by Intel SGX in a lightweight embedded system.


2023년 8월
RISC-V, Security, Cryptography, Hardware
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뉴런 클러스터를 활용한 합성곱 신경망 이미지 분류 신뢰성 향상 방법
이영우 2023-04-06 14:37:09.793
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